Did I mention that I am in a movie? The above poster represents what I am doing this weekend. I will be attending the premier of Club 27, a film short I participated in (I'm the one in yellow) over the summer and also provided vintage clothing for. It is part of Project Twenty1's Philadelphia Film & Animation Festival . I've only seen clips, so I am really excited to see it in it's entirety.
Also this momma gets to dress up! I had to raid the stock room for something to wear but had no problem with shoes, even though I never go anywhere worthy or practical for heels I have quite the whore-ish shoe collection. Doesn't everybody? Everyone should have at least one pair of whore shoes, it's a happy maker.
So if you are in or near Philadelphia this weekend why not attend the screening? Show your support for independent filmmaking. What you need to know:
Club 27 Premier
Saturday, October 1 · 1:00pm - 3:00pm @
The International House
3701 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA
PRICE: $10
3701 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA
PRICE: $10