Thursday, March 25, 2010

Behind the Seams

How epicurious my children's initials spell jam

Love little chairs

Restored 1873 Mural(living room)

Floor use to be battleship grey, room still needs chandelier replaced and paint


When I'm not working on vintage clothing and taking care of babies I'm very busy restoring my 1870 Italianate 3-story brick monstrosity of a building, a building which hadn't been lived for over 30yrs that my husband and I found while looking for a larger home to accomodate the impending arrival of our twins.  I actually really did have something more traditional and practical in mind and never in my wildest dreams did I think in my 6th month of pregnancy with twins would I be taking a huge risk by going under contract for a building that the city would not allow us to live in and we would not be able to get a mortgage for unless we could get the city to change their minds....and so with our future looking a lot like a toddler unsupervised at the edge of a pool we hired a lawyer and made a case, asked ever so nicely pretty please and won.  A relief because I had visions of the little ones sleeping in dresser drawers.

 So if you are  looking for unique (cheap)architecture, a place to work and live.... Bridgeton may be worth a looksee...there is a lot of inventory available at the moment that includes a business on the first floor with living quarters above.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WARNING: This post may contain graphic images

Graphic and disturbing images that is if you are a piece of technology.  I'm incapable of having meaningful long term relationships with anything electronic. Perhaps it's a reflection of the quality in craftmanship, they just don't make things like they use to and I am sure a digital camera from the 1920s would still be in fantastic working order today.  Or it could just be I'm an abusive beeyatch, I never got a long with technology and technology doesn't get along with me, in fact I did get hit in the face once with a didgital camera(don't ask).

Below is a photo of the latest casualty, and I am glad to report I am not responsible for this one, maybe it's because I have a price limit on things I damage.  My husband is the actually perpetrator in this incident which is unusual because he get's along pretty well with most of the electronics in the house, just to make that point he made it possible for me to be using my laptop right now despite the busted screen by hooking up the old PC monitor to it, very Macgyver of him I know.  But the set up is looking very akin to something you'd see rolling through a trailer park. It's a hoopty laptop.

Monday, March 8, 2010

What is an Oscar compared to free couture?

So last night was the Oscars, I know a lot of people watched them. I didn't, watching award shows are just not my thing. All I really care about though when it comes to the Oscars and I think this applies to a lot of people is to see is what people are wearing and who won(of course) and I can experience the cliff notes version in 20 min online the day after. Of course the only other thing I care about too is it's a really good reason to get dressed up and throw a party , just like with the Superbowl...I hate football, but love superbowl parties. Give me a reason to plan an event, I'm for it.

So below I have a shot of Vera Farmiga in her Oscar finery, I do believe my Barbie had a dress just like hers, you be the judge:

                                              Vera Farmiga does Marchesa does Barbie

Screw vintage Dior, it's all about vintage Barbie!

Even though everyone get's all decked out for the most part everyone does look the same. The dresses are beautiful but the cuts and silhouettes are pretty much similar, it has been for a few years now as in a very structured ruched bodice w/ flowy bottom. I don't think I heard of one big celebrity wearing vintage except for the jewelry. So my favorite overall look had to have been Cary Mulligan, a combination of the simple black dress with off beat embellishments, the shoes and blonde pixie cut spoke to me in different decades, it really stood out for me.

                                                                   Cary Mulligan in Prada

On a final note what the heck is up with Sarah Jessica Parker's old lady hand? I thought it was a close up of Helen Mirren's jewelry at first. Sort of freaked me out when I saw whose it was. I love you Sarah but get yourself some Borghese gloves.

                                                            Sarah Jessica's old lady hand

**All photos(except for Barbie) courtesy of
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